Relationships Education
As part of our school’s Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) Education programme, and in line with London Borough of Ealing’s recommended scheme of work for PSHE Education, children from Reception to Year 6 will take part in Relationships and Health Education lessons. These lessons have been carefully planned to be relevant and appropriate to each year group. For these lessons, we will be using the same resources and lesson content as we have done for the last number of years.
Nowadays, there is a vast amount of information about relationships on the internet, on TV, in magazines, to which children and young people are exposed. If children are provided with timely and age-appropriate information about their bodies and relationships, they can make their transition into adolescence and adulthood with the confidence and knowledge to understand what is happening to them. They will also have the best chances of growing into confident and healthy adults able to make positive choices.
In February 2019, the Department for Education released new draft guidance for Relationships Education. This new guidance came into effect from September 2020 - see below:
Statutory Guidance from Government
relationships education relationships and sex education rse and health education 1 .pdf
Since 2017, we have been using the Ealing PSHE scheme of work to deliver RSE lessons. This is a comprehensive scheme of work, which already meets much of the new guidance and feeds into Relationships Education with topics such as friendships and personal safety.
In 2020 we developed a new Relationships and Health Education to ensured it Oldfield met the statutory requirements. This policy development was done in discussion with parents. The changes made to our policy and curriculum were implemented in September 2020. Please see the overview of the topics below:
Scheme of Work
relationships education overview.pdf
Oldfield Policy on Relationships Education
relationships education policy 2021.pdf
If you have any questions about Relationships Education, please ask to meet with your child's classteacher or headteacher. If you would like a copy of our policy, then please contact the school office.