99% - 100% |
Excellent |
96% - 99% |
Very good and at expected level Keep it up |
91% - 95% |
Your child can not afford to have any more time off from school. Parents of any child below 95% attendance at school may be asked to meet with the Headteacher to discuss ways in which their child’s attendance can be improved. Keep aiming to get your child’s attendance % higher as the year goes by and by the end of the summer term as the weather gets warmer. If not - they could begin to struggle in their learning, children need to be in school to achieve their best and progress. |
Below 90% |
This is the Government threshold. If you child’s attendance is below 90% - your child is a P.A. Persistent Absentee. |
85% - 90% |
This could be up to 20 days = 4 weeks of learning missed by July. You will be asked to meet with the Headteacher and or the Local Authority Attendance Officer. |
Below 85% |
This is totally unacceptable. You will be asked to meet with the Headteacher and or the Local Authority Attendance Officer. |
The LA can issue a fine to you if you do not get your child to school. As a parent / carer it is your responsibility to do this. |
Authorised and unauthorised absence:
Give your child the start in life they deserve and bring them to school |
For children to get the most out of their schooling it is necessary that the school day should consistently start in a calm, orderly way. If children arrive after 8.55am it means that they have an unsettled start to the day and it also disrupts the lessons already underway in the class.