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Useful Links

Oldfield Primary School

A community of proud and resilient children who are learning to take their place in the world.


99%  -  100%


96% - 99%

Very good and at expected level

Keep it up

91% - 95% 

Your child can not afford to have any more time off from school.

Parents of any child below 95% attendance at school may be asked to meet with the Headteacher to discuss ways in which their child’s attendance can be improved.

Keep aiming to get your child’s attendance % higher as the year goes by and by the end of the summer term as the weather gets warmer.

If not - they could begin to struggle in their learning, children need to be in school to achieve their best and progress.

Below 90%

This is the Government threshold.

If you child’s attendance is below 90% - your child is a P.A. Persistent Absentee.

85% - 90%

This could be up to 20 days = 4 weeks of learning missed by July. You will be asked to meet with the Headteacher and or the Local Authority Attendance Officer.

Below 85%

This is totally unacceptable.  You will be asked to meet with the Headteacher and or the Local Authority Attendance Officer.

The LA can issue a fine to you if you do not get your child to school.

As a parent / carer it is your responsibility to do this.

Authorised and unauthorised absence:

  • Headteachers are not allowed to routinely authorise leave of absence.
  • No absence apart from sickness will be authorised during term time EXCEPT in a VERY RARE circumstance when a parent will be asked to make an appointment to see Mr McCormack, Headteacher.
  • As absence around the school holidays is common and often claimed by parents as illness, the school take the view that un-notified absence before and or after school holiday periods will be regarded as unauthorised leave unless satisfactory medical documentation is provided. Parents are reminded that the school attendance policy requires the parent to notify the school during the period of absence and to update us regularly.
  • Parent/Carers who take their child/children on holiday during term term will receive a fine issued by the local authority. If you’re issued with a penalty notice, you must pay:

    - £80, if it’s paid within 21 days of receiving the notice                                                                                         - £160, if it’s paid after 21 days but within 28 days
  • If a parents receives a second fine for the same child within any three-year period, it will be charged at the higher rate of £160.

Give your child the start in life they deserve and bring them to school



For children to get the most out of their schooling it is necessary that the school day should consistently start in a calm, orderly way. If children arrive after 8.55am it means that they have an unsettled start to the day and it also disrupts the lessons already underway in the class.