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Oldfield Primary School

A community of proud and resilient children who are learning to take their place in the world.


The school believes that high quality music Education will engage and inspire our pupils to

develop their love of music and their talent as musicians. This experience and achievement will

then increase their self-confidence and creativity.

The Aim of our Music curriculum is for children:

  • To perform, listen to and review a wide range of music.
  • To learn to sing and use their voices.
  • To have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument and to be exposed to a range of choices.
  • To have a solid foundation in music theory and terminology that they can draw upon should they chose to learn music later in life.


The School implements the Music Curriculum in the following ways:

  • KS1 and years 4-6 are taught 7 lessons a term by a music tutor from Sing Education, a specialist provider.
  • The school keeps a detailed record of Sing Education Objectives and ensures that there is adequate coverage of and progression within, the National Curriculum.
  • Every year, children use both percussion and tuned instruments to develop the expected skills relevant to each Key Stage
  • Children are given opportunities to develop confidence in performing, either using their voices or a musical instrument. These are class performances or recitals to demonstrate particular achievements in their chosen instruments.
  • Children are given opportunities to access and evaluate a wide range of musical genres;
  • Musical achievements gained both inside and outside of school hours will be celebrated within the school community.
  • The school offers subsidised small group tuition in brass, keyboard and woodwind.

Click below to see Oldfield's Music Scheme of Work

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