The Oldfield Primary School Governing Board
Adults have high expectations of pupils. To help pupils meet these expectations, leaders have set clear rules for behaviour.
As a result, pupils conduct themselves well, in and out of lessons. They are caring, kind, and are ready and willing to help each other.
- Ofsted (March 2022)
Here at Oldfield we have a diverse and talented Governing Board which Ofsted have recognised as making an effective contribution to leadership and management within the school.
Governors are volunteers who carry a great deal of responsibility. Our role is strategic rather than operational. This means we are involved in setting the direction of the school and monitoring progress towards agreed objectives, but not in day to day management issues. We work by offering both support and challenge to the school’s decision makers. Like parents and carers, we all want the best outcome for every child at Oldfield, and our wide-ranging professional and personal backgrounds mean we are well placed to help ensure this happens.
To meet the governors, click below:
For the Annual Governance Report 2024, which explains the responsibilities of the Governing Board and individual governors, please click below.
Annual Governance Statement 2024
I am always pleased to receive any questions or comments you have about governors and/or the Governing Board, or to hear from anyone who is interested in becoming a Parent Governor. Please contact us via the School Office.
Yours sincerely,
Ann O'Reilly
Chair of Governing Body