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Oldfield Primary School

A community of proud and resilient children who are learning to take their place in the world.


Speaking and Listening

We understand the importance of establishing a language-rich environment to develop and extend children’s understanding, vocabulary and ideas. We provide structured, purposeful speaking and listening activities to enhance their language comprehension through storytelling, role play, drama and high-quality dialogue. This enables our pupils to articulate their knowledge across the curriculum.


The Literacy Tree scheme has been embedded across the school, providing another opportunity for pupils to become familiar with engaging texts, which are powerfully composed with unique writing styles. Texts which enable pupils to explore various themes, make links, revisit and consolidate their curriculum objectives in writing.

Each term, the children will cover the objectives for the whole year. This means that key concepts are revisited and there is sufficient opportunity to "overlearn" material and master the necessary techniques in writing.

Our scheme of work provides structure and consistency in teaching and learning from EYFS to KS2. Pupils progressively build upon their prior learning and meet their curriculum outcomes to consolidate their understanding of the language features, purpose and audience when exploring different text types. The holistic approach in exploring tiered key vocabulary, grammar and punctuation, through writing, drama and research, enables pupils to develop their own creative expression and authorial style.

Our pupils are increasingly developing their resilience to improve the quality of their writing taking great pride in their abilities.

We have recently implemented a whole school approach of discrete handwriting teaching. Our scheme supports our pupils to develop their letter formation, orientation, placement and joining of the different letter families. This progressively enables pupils to write in continuous cursive with increasing fluency, speed and legibility.

Please see the overview of English topics below:

overview texts cycle a ks1 and ks2.pdf