Oldfield Primary School understand the immense value technology plays in supporting the Computing and whole school curriculum, day-to-day life of our school and also the increasing role it plays in our pupils’ lives as they grow older. We believe that technology can provide: enhanced collaborative learning opportunities; better engagement of pupils; easier access to rich content; support conceptual understanding of new concepts and can support the needs of all our pupils.
At Oldfield Primary School, we see the teaching of Computing as an integral part of the school curriculum. Our school uses ‘Purple Mash’ and ‘Google Classroom’ to support the learning of each strand of the Computing curriculum. Each child has a log in and password to use at school and at home, meaning children can access their school work at home as a way of extending their Computing learning. ‘Purple Mash’ and ‘Google Classroom’ also offer opportunities for children to complete cross-curricular work, helping to embed their Computing skills at every opportunity.
We are a community of proud and resilient children who are learning to take their place in the world. At Oldfield Primary School, we also promote a team ethos through collaboration and we champion achievements both in school at home to build our community links. We use our technologies to challenge, to communicate, to support creativity and independence, whilst being safe online
oldfield progression of skills whole school map dec 2021.pdf